Janus-uae tips&tricks

This applies to all version of Icaros starting from 1.5.2.

Janus-UAE tip&tricks :

Read this first : https://sourceforge.net/projects/janus-uae/files/janus-uae/janus-uae%20v1.4/ (download and extract the archive, it contains a “coherency guide” to help understanding and configuring janus-uae as a service for icaros).

amiga amp running in coherency mode on top of wanderer windows. Tools manager can be used to launch you applications !
amiga amp running in coherency mode on top of wanderer windows. Tools manager can be used to launch you applications !

First : you must “integrate Amiga Forever”, or at least integrate sys, work and rom directory.

Second : after the copy script you need to launch “Screenmode” from the Amibridge menu. It opens a window with amiga os running, with screenmode prefs program. You must choose the same resolution than your wanderer.

Get out, close iconX window.

Third : you launch “Workbench”. You’ll see your amiga emulated window having a weird position… You must : ctrl-alt-j to open janus-uae parameters window. Click “Stop”.

In “Display”, choose “full screen”, “correct aspect”, and select an “Aros screen resolution” which is the same as your wanderer. Click Start.

In the emulated Workbench file menu, unclick “backdrop”. Make the Workbench Window containing only the disks icons, then “snapshot all”.

Fourth : ctrl-alt-j to open janus-uae parameters window again. In integration, put “coherency” on “enabled”. The Amiga OS 3 windows should appear in top of Wanderer.

Fifth : If you are happy with it, you can now make it permanent.

Stop janus-uae.



At the end of the file modify the line :

jcoherency = false


jcoherency = true

Then run janus-uae and untick “Full Screen” & “Correct aspect”. Save.

Close janus-uae, and re-run it.


Enjoy !

Enjoy !

Do not :

Choose to launch Amibridge at startup, it often crashes…

for a long time amiga & demos lover and musician.
Beta tester for icaros for some years now (since icaros 1.5), i do it as much as i can.
i'm a computer scientist, managing the computer infrastructure in a big company (won't tell the name there).


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