ubuntu light install

This article is meant to explain simply, and step by step, how to create a light installation of ubuntu 12.04LTS.

Unity, Gnome, KDE are very heavy. It cannot run there, on my DELL Optiplex GX280 2Gb RAM.

This is quite a challenge to have a modern environment on such an old comp (at least 6-8 years).

I also want to use this article as an introduction to the installation of custom E-UAE running amiga OS AND/OR AROS linux hosted.

Targeted system :

– Ubuntu 12.04 server LTS 32bits/64bits

– use of tint2 and openbox

This is MY way, but this should be usefull for everyone. Continue reading “ubuntu light install”

Installing E-UAE sdl 32bits on ubuntu 64bits

1) Prerequisites :

You should have first installed your ubuntu server 64bits in the way written in this article.

ia32-utils is fundamental to use e-uae 32bits on your 64bits installation.

[it has been replaced by lib32ncurses5 and lib32z1 since]

2) Why 32bits on 64bits ?

Most of the times, 64bits codes are faster than 32bits ones. Anyway, e-uae sdl allows to use a JIT emulation (to get faster 68040 code execution) that is only available on the 32bits version (and not available at all on the normal version of e-uae).

3) Installation of e-uae :

That’s simple. We use the commande apt-get install :

sudo apt-get install uae

It installs the program and all the dependencies needed by e-uae.

4) Get e-uae sdl :

This is quite simple : connect to this web page http://www.rcdrummond.net/uae/

get to the bottom of the page, and download this file : http://www.rcdrummond.net/uae/e-uae-0.8.29-WIP4/e-uae_0.8.29-WIP4_linux-i586_sdl-alsa.tar.bz2

OR, in a terminal :

wget http://www.rcdrummond.net/uae/e-uae-0.8.29-WIP4/e-uae_0.8.29-WIP4_linux-i586_sdl-alsa.tar.bz2

You should unpack it :

tar xvjf e-uae_0.8.29-WIP4_linux-i586_sdl-alsa.tar.bz2

You now have everything you need to get a very nice Amiga user experience !

5) The drawers hierarchy :

Personnally, I organised my amiga-related drawers in this way :

  • root of amiga related stuffs : /home/[yourusername]/amiga
  • e-uae binaries : /home/[yourusername]/amiga/euae32
  • uaerc files drawer : /home/[yourusername]/amiga/uaerc
  • roms drawer : /home/[yourusername]/amiga/ROMS
  • launch scripts drawer : /home/[yourusername]/amiga/alaunch
  • adf storage drawers : /home/[yourusername]/amiga/ADF and /home/[yourusername]/amiga/GamesADF
  • Amiga OS drawers : /home/[yourusername]/amiga/System and /home/[yourusername]/amiga/Work

6) Copy the files needed for emulation :

So, to begin with emulation, you need to get roms and disk images. ROMS are images of the kickstart component included in all Amigas (something like an extended BIOS). They are protected with copyright, then it’s not available in public domain.

There are 2 ways to get the ROMS : you extract it from a real amiga (possible, but you need an Amiga !), or you get Amiga Forever DVD from there : http://www.amigaforever.com/

For ADF files, there are many places on the internet. There are 2 : http://ada.untergrund.net/ for demoscene stuffs, and http://thegamearchives.net/?val=0_2_1_0_0_4_17_0_0_0_0 for games.

Download one, extract it, and put it into ~/amiga/ADF

I’ll presume you got Amiga Forever DVD, and Arte demo (http://ada.untergrund.net/?p=demo&i=94) so :

Mount Amiga Forever DVD it /mnt using :

sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt

Copy the content of the drawer xxxx into the /home/[yourusername]/amiga/ROMS using

cp -R /mnt/…./ROMS/* ~/amiga/ROMS

You are ready to launch e-uae emulation using :

cd ~/amiga/


This should open E-UAE window where you can choose :

  • disk image to load
  • ROM to use
  • hardware caracteristics of the emulated amiga

For the first time, you’ll do it by hand and try to get your demo working. After, when you’ll get used to it, you could save your preferences into “uaerc” files.

Here are the stuffs you have to change :

XX) Some ressources :

http://obligement.free.fr/articles/euae.php (in french)


http://fs-uae.net/ (like WinUAE)

my Flash disk as HD Drive & HxC Slim FD Drive emulator (upd 2014 01 27)

Hi folks,

This time just some photos, that could help you to get your Flash Disk and your HxC drive emulator work in your A1200.

-First attempt : i’ve connected the Flash drive in the wrong orientation -> don’t work ! 🙂

-Second attempt : after returning the flash drive cable, it worked perfectly.

So, in order for you not to make the same error, there are photos of the installation (very simple, anyway).

This is unpacking time…

Continue reading “my Flash disk as HD Drive & HxC Slim FD Drive emulator (upd 2014 01 27)”

the amiga demo scene

The Scene :

Historically, the scene was born with the C64 computer.

It was a group of peoples, all around the globe, who were much more interested in exploring the capacities of their machines (and at the same times theirs !) than simply playing games.

They wanted to know/show how much pixels could be written on the same image in a certain amount of time (every 1/50 second, the “VBR” time, or if you prefer the time needed for the electron beam of your tv to go from the pixel in the top-left of the screen to the bottom-right, and go back to its first place). On PAL (european machines), this is 1/50 of a second (a little bit less on NTSC -us- machines). This is synchronized with the AC power outlet.

This amount of time was the kingdom of the demomakers. Continue reading “the amiga demo scene”

the Amiga OS Workbench

Generalities :

Every modern OS comes with a human understandable interface called a “Graphical User Interface”. The first idea of a GUI comes from the 60s and the reflexion about HMI (Human-Machine Interface). You use a GUI everyday, so maybe you don’t even think about it, but, if you think about the beginnings, the first computers were commanded with paper sheets where we make little holes. Thoses sheets were putted into a “reader” that send the informations to the really not powerfull calculator. Continue reading “the Amiga OS Workbench”

debruyss 2012-2013

debruyss 2012-2013 pop-rock

Jean Mi : guitar, Zaz : voice, Jess the wet machine : drums/electronics

compos :

-New Love : Debruys/Quéquet
-FAITH and On the Run : Debruyss/Marty

those sounds are rehearsals records, so excuse the bad quality of the sound. at least, there is a soul, that’s the most important !

the machines and us 2009-2011

the machines and us 2009-2011 electronics
songs that talk about the human nature. “marching on lullabies” is something like a warning to all humanity, which loves her childs, but destroy the world that will be theirs; “entrusting” is about the blind confidence we give to all the machines we made to help us, machines that finally transform us in non-biological mechanics; all is about our thirst of knowledge that often make us do stuffs to living-beings that do not belong to us
everything (compos, sampling, guitar, recording, mastering) made by me.


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Marching on lullabies

<iframe width=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/241501710&amp;color=ff5500&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false”></iframe>

manifeste rien 1999-2003

Manifeste Rien 2000-2002 theatre/experimental

theatre band where i used to make the sound background, sound effects and music. cold and sometimes heavy music with the warm voices of the actors, on poetic texts.

texts : Jérémy Beschon

voices/actors : Virginie Aimone & Franck Vrahides

compos/electronics : jess

L’Erreur Aigre (la voix de garage enchantée) – 2001

<iframe width=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/31125696&amp;color=ff5500&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false”></iframe>

Piano (Elle, Dieu et l’infrabasse) – 2003

<iframe width=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/31125693&amp;color=ff5500&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false”></iframe>

Infrabasse (Elle, Dieu et l’infrabasse) – 2003

<iframe width=”100%” height=”450″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/31125692&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true”></iframe>

Toujours je fuis (Elle, Dieu et l’infrabasse) – 2002

<iframe width=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/31125690&amp;color=ff5500&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false”></iframe>

degoreland 1996-1999

degoreland 1996-1999 rock/blues

the third first songs are live, the other are from an old magnetic tape, recorded like that in rehearsals. so, please, excuse the quality of the sound !

compos : degoreland

texts : Jérémy Beschon

bass : Alain

guitar : Stéphane Glaviano

drums/electronics : jess

Minuit 18 (texte de Buckowsky), Live à la Barasse, 1999

<iframe width=”100%” height=”450″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/30493303&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true”></iframe>

what is the “Amiga” computer range ?

Amiga was a computer family which had its glory time in 1990’s.

The name of the first designed amiga-machine was “Amiga 1000” or “A1000”. It included a 256Kb memory, 1 3,5″ disk drive, a desktop tower, a mouse and a keyboard. It could be linked to your tv screen. The “kickstart” (the main system software libraries and procedures) came on a disk (the followers came with it ONBOARD, on chips that are called ROMS).

The other main models were : A500, A600, A2000, A3000, A1200 and A4000. Below are photos and characteristics of each model.

Some people consider the Amiga family as the most innovative personal computer range ever made, even more than Apple and IBM. Continue reading “what is the “Amiga” computer range ?”


dead jane logo Dead Jane One of the two most creative music bands in Marseille. Dead Jane music is a gift from the dead to the livings. they do dark and poetic music.

Curwen Odd's Legacy logo Curwen Odds Legacy one of the two most creative music band in Marseille : they do stoner, blues, rock… visit this web site to be aware of their future concerts, videos…


NEW ! 2013 11 : Listen their new acoustic demo record @ this address : http://www.curwensoddlegacy.com/audio/acoustic-demo/



radio artefact image radio artefact is friend’s webpage working on musical project such as theatre music and ambiances. very good technics using all the possibilities of his softwares. he is also a nice singer.


interview sur ZikPot (19/07/2011)

mon ancien logo sur Zikpot je copie son contenu (merci au cache de google) ici, car le blog de ZikPot est HS. A noter que mon profil myspace n’existe plus, et que vous pourrez retrouver cette interview à cette adresse lorsque le blog sera rouvert : http://blog.zikpot.fr/?2011/07/19/1756-interview-de-oan3

Comment avez vous connu Zikpot ?

Il n’y a pas d’œuvre, et donc par extension, pas d’artiste, sans public. Je tiens donc tout d’abord à remercier mes amis et fans zikpoteurs, et les autres aussi, de leur soutien, leur votes et leurs conseils. La réponse à cette première question tient en 4 mots: “google is our friend”.


Comment décririez-vous votre musique ?

Bien sûr, elle a évoluée avec le temps. Dans mon premier album “Economia Second : complaintes cybernétiques”, paru en 2008 sur Jamendo ( http://economia.zik.dj ), j’essayais de faire apparaître un monde post apocalyptique à travers les yeux d’une machine qui, douée de raison et de sentiments, naît, pleure, aime et meurt. Continue reading “interview sur ZikPot (19/07/2011)”

plongeon, message aux créateurs de vide

écrit en in Octobre 2008

Après avoir laché les chiens sur l’univers restreint de nos enfants et mis en branle le process de destruction, nous nous étonnons que rien ne remonte.

10% par çi, 20 par là

Nos nouveaux soldats, alignés pour le jugement dernier, nous voyons soudain à quel point ce monde marche sur la tête, et préfère calmer les soubressaux d’une vielle carcasse d’érain, qui souffre et souffle et coule dans le ruisseau ininterrompu du sang des jeunes sâges qui ont déjà connus la faim.

Jusqu’où irons nous? Jusqu’à quelle ephéméride?

Qui sera notre guide? Continue reading “plongeon, message aux créateurs de vide”